kyobear: arch eff
Thailand_Duel: ?
kyobear: prio
kyobear: When this card is Special Summoned, if you have no cards in your hand, you can add 1 "Infernity" card from your Deck to your hand.
kyobear: ok ?
Thailand_Duel: destroy
Thailand_Duel has called an admin
Thailand_Duel has canceled his admin call
Thailand_Duel: u can use eff beetle
kyobear: arch!
kyobear: not beetle
Thailand_Duel: i destroy arch
Thailand_Duel: arch can use eff?
kyobear: SS ARCH ok ?
Thailand_Duel: it's destroyy
kyobear: When this card is Special Summoned,
kyobear: ARCH ss then i can find cards
Thailand_Duel: ok
Thailand_Duel: up 2 u
Thailand_Duel: if u want win
kyobear: normal sum arch